Inspired Intentions

I’ve come to learn through this profound practice of Ho’oponopono that intentions are limitations. Yes, you heard me right. I said, intentions are limitations. At first, letting this sink in was a bit of a mind blower to me. How could setting an intention be a limitation? I don’t know about you, but for the past 25 years I have set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly intentions and goals and update them regularly. Everyone knows the most successful people on the planet have goals and intentions. I mean come on, didn’t you read that bible of a success book, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People by Stephen Covey? Or, better yet, that classic tale by Tom Peters, In Search of Excellence? The people who sleep walk through life, and don’t set goals and intentions AT ALL results in a stuck, drama infused, mess of a chaotic life. So, how could intentions as limitations possibly make sense?

Well, the gist is this; According to the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono, success and excellence is quite personal. And, it is created naturally from tuning into the Divinity within yourself. We are after all, Divine Humans. When saying the Ho’oponopono mantra, “I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you,” you are “cleaning” and clearing the muck in your mind out of the way. By clearing you will make way for an INSPIRED intention to pop into your mind, whose source is the Divinity within you, rather then your ego’s intention. The reason why intentions are limiting is because they are coming from programs, from memories, from old patterns and beliefs. In Ho’oponopono the is called “data” and “memories.” The practice of Ho’oponopono is all about letting go of being stuck in the muck or old patterns and beliefs and getting to the zero point, to the zone, where you are able to allow the Divinity within you to inspire you with new information instead. The Divinity within you is not some “god” outside of yourself. It’s completely a part of you. I call the Divinity within my my inner Muse! The definition of a Muse is a “source of Inspiration”, so this fits! And so, whenever an inspiration arises, I add it to my list of “Inspired Intentions.”

Quite honestly, these days the only true intention I have is to keep saying the Ho’oponopono mantra. Inspiration is conceived from the void of zero, so I simply keep cleansing the limiting or upsetting thoughts and worries I may be feeling at random times every day. I also clean on any limiting beliefs which are potentially blocking me from being content in this moment.

The programs, beliefs, and old patterns that don’t serve you, will only guide you away from the present moment. Ho’oponopono is a mindfulness practice which keeps you ultra aware of your thoughts, beliefs and feelings which can only put you directly smack into the present moment. I strive to be present and keep saying the mantra. The point of power is here in this very moment. And anyway, I find that the more I clean and clear and stay in this moment, the better the next moment is. So, I don’t “try” to set intentions from my ego and what I think I SHOULD do anymore, I wait for the inspirations show up and add them to my “inspired intention list,” daily. I want my navigator through life to be my Inner Muse, INSPIRATION, versus my past programming and data..

So, you are probably thinking, “how do you know the difference between a Intention and an inspiration?”

When I’m really in the zone, and inspiration comes through, I don’t even hesitate or have to think about it. I just do it. I just live it. I don’t question it. It’s right, it’s in formula. When I get wild ideas and just act on them, they work out and lead me to the next and the next. It’s a juicy way to live! If I hesitate or feel at all confused or unsure, I clean on the idea and my confusion or lack of clarity around it 3 times. if I’m still unclear and foggy, I can pretty much assume the idea or intention it’s coming from a program, data, not my Inner Muse…..Divinity. But, that’s ok, it was an opportunity to say the mantra, “clean on it,” and let go.

Dr Hew Len said (in the Zero Limits III workshop that he did with Joe Vitale,) regarding owning a business that “the most important asset in your business is to be clear. Once you are clear, everything happens. Clarity is the most important asset in your life too, not just your business. Once you are clear everything happens on it’s own. All you have to do is be clear. Ho’oponopono is all about being clear. Once you are clear, what other asset will show up? Inspiration will show up. Perfect information to you and others elsewhere in the universe too. So the right people show up who are CLEAR in your business and life. Once you are clear, everything you need to be successful will show up. The right people, business name, etc. The most important asset you have is to be clear. Once clear everything flows. If you are not clear, no one around you will be clear. What would be a characteristic of being clear? Being unconditional. People will love you when you are clear.”

What he is saying is that the Ho’oponopono mantra is about living your life from the essence of clarity vs confusion, so that inspiration can show up. And then, quite naturally, your life will change for the better. Why? Well, because you are allowing the divinity WITHIN YOU to see it’s way clear of what Dr Hew Len calls the “data.” He also likes to call it the “garbage.” I like that, it truly is garbage.

So, I’ve decided to keep cleaning and clearing all the garbage in the way of receiving inspiration from my Inner Muse…….Divinity. By letting go and “cleaning” you too will receive new ideas, new directions, perfect information, the perfect people will show up, and more. Dare I say even miracles show up out of the blue? Yep, they do.

I’m learning that living my life from inspiration is quite different from setting intentions from “memory” or “data” or “garbage.” It’s exciting vs boring, for one thing. I never know what’s going to come to mind and show up in my life. Ho’oponopono keeps my tuned in to all the synchronicities in my life. I also find that practicing Ho’oponopono is just SO EASY and how cool it naturally puts me into a peaceful and positive state of mind. It’s from this place of internal contentment where inspiration flows in spades

In the mix remember this; What you feel now tends to attract what you are experiencing next. You are bringing about your future by your most energized thoughts and feelings. So, a gentle reminder, watch your thoughts. The law of attraction is a law, it’s physics, it’s always at work.

The more you can help your thoughts to focus around positive phrases such as “I love you and thank you”…. the more you naturally have positive thoughts going on in your mind otherwise. What this means is that your present moment will be from a place of peace and contentment, thus creating more of the same in the future.

Let your thoughts be the most elevated ones that you can imagine. Strive for thoughts of love, joy, and optimism. “Thank you and I love you” will not only help you get to the zone of zero, but keep your overall thoughts more positive as well.

So, try it! Create your list of intentions from inspiration. Take action when you are inspired to do so, and strive for positive thoughts and phrases to be circulating in your mind. This very moment is creating your future.

Aloha Nui Loa,


The Mojo of Contentment