Aquarius New Moon Horoscope - Look for your Rising, Sun, and Moon Sign for the complete story.


Collaborating with others is your MOJO at this New Moon, Aries. That’s because this moon lights up your eleventh house of community, networking, and innovation.  Any seeds you plant now will allow you to positively impact yourself, the people in your life, and potentially even the collective. It’s a great time, also, to donate to an organization you care about.

Practice - Clean out your closet and go on a “Goodwill run.”


Be focussing on the vision of your future, Taurus. The New Moon shows up in your tenth house of career, leadership, and life path.  What type of “work” would you be doing if you could create whatever you want?  Maybe you are already on that path, and if so you will be receiving intuitive downloads about how to expand this even more. Or, if you don’t feel aligned with your work in the world at the moment, you may be called in an entirely new direction. Take the leap, Taurus. The force is with you!

Practice - Do Joe Dispenza’s Morning Meditation every day for the next 2 weeks!


You are receiving aha’s, Gemini, and that is because this new moon shines in your ninth house of intuition, knowledge, philosophy, and travel. If there is a course you’ve been wanting to take or a book you’ve been meaning to read, this is the time!  Travel is in the cards for you too, especially long-distance travel which is new. Connections that you make and information that you learn will inspire you, and potentially bring a lil luck your way too,  Any affirmations or “spells” you want to say at this moon will manifest, so use your VOICE!

Practice - Be witchy and do a spell.


This New Moon is in your eighth house of sex, shared finances, and transformation too, Cancer.  This energy is great for going to see a Sage Therapist or Shaman so that you can cut some old AKA cords and break free from anything that is keeping you stuck.  Spending time in nature and with your spiritual practices will be really helpful to you right now.  If there has been any financial stress weighing you down lately, this is the time for things to move forward in a positive way!

Practice - Get together with your besties!


The Aquarius New Moon shows up in the seventh house of one-on-one relationships.  This includes romance as well as business partnerships.  It can also manifest as a new project showing up that you create with another person.  You enjoy hanging out with your community, Leo, and it’s a great time to be with the people you love most.

Practice - Go out and have some fun!


What can you be grateful for in your life right now, and also, what changes can you make in your daily routines?  The moon lands in your sixth house of health, work, daily routines, and service.  This house is ruled by Virgo, so you are naturally aligned with this mojo,  and maybe can also go too far in that realm too… if you know what I mean! So, take a look at and possibly make some shifts in the way you eat, the amount of time you spend working and working out too as a start.  You can make leaps towards your long-term goals right now, and being disciplined in this part of your life will pay off.

Practice - Create a new routine or get rid of an old one that isn’t working,


How can you bring more love, play, and positivity into your life, Libra?  The new moon is in your fifth house of self-expression, romance, joy, and creativity.  You may be receiving some new ideas that are ready to be birthed, and that’s perfect as long as it’s fun! It’s time to bring what you love into your daily life and let go of anything that no longer aligns with where you are headed.

Practice - Play more!


The new moon journies through your fourth house of the past, your roots, home, and family.  You feel the love and are grateful.  This is also a great time to do some Ho’oponopono or another clearing practice you align with to release generational wounds that are keeping you stuck.  Or you may be about to move to a new location.  “Home” is your focus at this moon, Scorpio, and you are striving for peace, beauty, and comfort.

Practice - Do some Feng Shui and clear the clutter!


What can you communicate with others so that they can implement your ideas for a better way of living, Sag?  The new moon travels through your third house of networking, communication, learning, and short trips.  It’s healing right now for you to speak your truth.  And also for creative brainstorming!  You could land an exciting opportunity, or even go back to school.  Lots of inspiring chats with friends can be had during this new moon window.  Let your imagination soar.

Practice - Do a daily journaling ritual.


Money mojo is on the brain, Capricorn. The new moon lands in your second house of money, possessions and self-worth. What can you create right now?  Your entrepreneurial ideas are ON FIRE in this new moon window and when implemented will bring success. 

Practice - Every morning before you get out of bed list in your mind at least 3 (or more) things you are grateful for.


This is your moon, Aquarius, and so a new beginning is afoot because this new moon is moving through your first house of “I Am.”  A rebirth is here, and you are ready to be fully aligned with your true nature.  Ideas can show up out of the blue,  and you’ll feel inspired and lucky around anything you are focussing on right now.   A more empowered you is arising from the ashes and this feels soooooo goooood!

Practice - Set 10 new moon intentions and write them down in a journal!


What messages are you receiving from the Universe, Pisces?  You are very tuned in because this moon dances in your 12th house of mysticism. And Pisces rules this house!  For sure implement any of the ideas you receive now while at the same time letting go of any AKA cords that you don’t want to carry forward.  You are ready to make these changes, so this won’t be difficult. Let your intuitive intelligence lead the way!

Practice - Study the Hermit card in the Tarot.


From Vision To Reality . . . The Secrets To Manifesting Your Mojo!


Moon Mojo