From Vision To Reality . . . The Secrets To Manifesting Your Mojo!

You are always manifesting your reality, and the question is, are you manifesting what you DO want to create or what you DON’T want to create?  I do regular manifesting practices to make sure I’m as intentional and clear as possible!  And, I’ve found that when challenges are going on in my world the pain becomes a portal….. because when you are willing to play with the Universe and remember your power to manifest, anything is possible!  Here are some manifesting practices that help me go from Vision to Reality.

  1. Get Clear about what you want to create - it’s important to set clear intentions as you spark a conversation with the Universe.  Remember, whatever you put out there will come back to you like a boomerang.  I write my intentions in my moon journal at the new moon each month.  Manifesting with the Moon is powerful mojo and has been part of my life since my 20’s because of some powerful “Witches” that showed up in my life as New Thought Leaders who I worked with, Tarot Readers, Astrologers, Midwives, Kumu’s, Kahuna’s, Shamans,  friends, and there was this one Herbalist too…….oh my was she magical.

  2. Visualize your desired outcome as if it’s already manifested - I create a vision of my future in my mind, and I also write it down in my “Mojo journal”.  My focus when I’m writing is how it FEELS to have manifested this outcome.  So I write it from my future self.  I love looking back at these journal entries only to find out that it worked!  Maybe not in the exact way I visualized it to be, but the outcome is the same.  Another way that I work with visualization is that I practice Quantum Jumping, and also do Joe Dispenza’s Morning Meditation as part of my daily morning rituals.

  3. Do regular practices to clear limiting beliefs (subconscious and conscious.) - My go to’s are Ho;oponopono,  a gratitude practice, Meditation and because I’m a Psychotherapist certified in EMDR,  I’ve come up with ways to utilize the bi-lateral stimulation as a daily clearing practice.  I also do clearing rituals at the Full Moon, as in this phase the energy is good for letting go.  The point with these practices are to clear limiting blocks, beliefs and fears that quite by accident gets in the way of all we want to create in our vortex.  Neuroscience teaches us that practices like these shift our brainwaves, and also, create new neural networks in the brain.  I’m all about it!

  4. Practice Everyday Magic - My morning practice is probably my most important Everyday Magic ritual.  I will be writing a blogpost with more specifics on this soon!  Part of it is to look at my vision board first thing in the morning,  because every year I create one with my husband as one of my magical practices.  Most of the time we do them on a poster board and hang them in a place where we can see them.  This year we did something different and created them in Canva as a slideshow to music.  And so I look at it a few times a day on my computer and phone.   And, I’ve already added a few things since I first created it  at the first new moon of the year, as I seem to be receiving many inspiring downloads lately on all I want to create. It’s a good thing time doesn’t exist and is quantum.  lol  Another way I practice Everyday Magic is to write affirmations on notecards.   They sit in my desk, and I look at them a few times a day between sessions or my writing blocks.  Feng Shui is another magical practice I do regularly along with pulling Tarot and Oracle Cards, looking at what’s going on in astrology, spending time in nature, and of course, always reading the signs, synchronicities and serendipity that come may way every day.  The Oracle of the Universe is no Joke and always speaking to us.  This morning, as an example, I was woken up by an owl hooting.  If you have read my book about Ho’oponopono you know that when an owl shows up in my world it’s my Mom with a message.  Well, she hooted for a long time.  It was a loooooooong message!  I have more practices to share in a post completely on this topic.  I may do that one next.

  5. Take Inspired Action - The Universe knows we are serious when we take action on our intentions.  Even the smallest steps help in creating so make sure to do this one! 


New Moon in Pisces Horoscopes


Aquarius New Moon Horoscope - Look for your Rising, Sun, and Moon Sign for the complete story.