Conceive Your Day in Mojo – And Watch Out World!

How you conceive your day sets the tone for the entire day! You can choose to begin your day in alignment with your MOJO, where you are in the flow of the universe, or not.  When you open your eyes in the morning you can do practices such as going down your gratitude list before you even step out out of your cozy bed, doing meditations like Joe Dispenza’s morning meditation, saying the “magic mantra,” (Ho’oponopono) exercising, watching the sunrise, and looking at your affirmations. These are some of the one’s on my bucket list currently. Or, you can choose to begin the day with negative vibrations and potential overwhelm by checking your phone, (who knows what you will find there) looking at emails, watching the news, and rushing around like a chicken drinking way too many cups of coffee. Oh believe me, I drink coffee but do attempt to do it in a peaceful way vs in a panic to get my kid to school on time. I typically drink my one cup of Joe while I”m looking over my affirmations or staring at my vision board. Or, I take it with me outside while I do my very early morning practice of Ho’oponopono and sage by my medicine wheel.

 What I’ve realized is that the moment when we open our eyes in the morning, it’s literally the conception of a new day, it’s a new beginning! “What do you want to create today?” This is the first question on my mind, after I think about all that I’m grateful for. I consider this to be the MOST sacred time of day. It’s when we get to literally choose how we want the energy of our day to go.  And if challenges come up during the day, I feel much more empowered, centered, and positive and tend to breakthrough them.

And, if you are choosing to avoid doing positive practices in the morning, and instead you are plugging into what could be overwhelming negativity, you are being very stubborn and blocking yourself. I know the excuses….”I have TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO (lol) much to do I don’t have time to say what I’m grateful for, meditate and watch the “F’ING” sunrise.  Hmmmmmm, ok, but you have time to watch the news? To check your phone? Come on, you at least have time to do ONE of these practices. Even if you are a new Mamma and your day starts with your baby “boobing,” or having a bottle, you can be laying there thinking about all that you are grateful for until they are done. And then, you can choose to take them for a walk in the sunrise, or watch it out the window if it’s too cold. You can choose to meditate at their first nap vs clean up the Kitchen. Yep, it’s a choice! If we don’t choose to start our day in a positive way, even for 5 minutes while we say all that we are grateful for to ourselves, we are choosing to align with chaos, fear, and struggle vs the flow of the universe .  It’s so much more empowering, abundant, fun, peaceful and free to be in your mojo all day long simply by choosing to conceive your day feeling good. 

What do you think? How do you start your day? I’d love to hear some of your practices or non-practices. Tell the truth! 🙂


PS some days I don’t have so called “time” to do all of these practices first thing, but I find a way to fit them in later on. I have no excuse if I don’t run through my gratitude list first thing, because I can do that while I’m showering or cooking breakfast for my family. Saying the magic mantra, same thing! I can say it anywhere and anytime. I find that I truly miss it and feel off energetically, when I don’t start my day with at least 3 of these practices.


Moon Mojo


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