“Activate Change” Is The Message of this New Moon in Scorpio
We are in the window of the Scorpio new moon (October 27/28) and it’s got a very strong surge of energy pushing us towards change, and yes, even major transformation. We could either be caught off guard by the changes that come our way, or be intentional about it. I received an “aha moment” last night (while in the pool with my hubby,) about some changes to activate consciously in my business. And, today I’m taking action towards those changes. One of the changes I need to make is to start blogging and writing again. After my 2 books were published last year I gave myself permission to take a break and just focus on building my social media (Instagram and now youtube) platform and seeing clients. I’m realizing that this very unconscious decision created a bit of a stuck vibe for me. I needed to keep writing! In any case, I’m making the shift today. What shifts would benefit your life? Because, with this moon we are being called to awaken to a new direction in some way, and see life with new eyes. It’s all about our mindset, right? So, why not decide that change is exciting and fun vs daunting and even scary!
I get it, you may be feeling completely stuck and intending for a new beginning of some sort, yet more afraid of the change it takes to get there then you are the misery of the status quo. It takes a leap into the unknown when we are making changes, which can be uncomfortable. I’ve found it’s pretty crucial to take this leap if you want to transform your life. And, the new moon is ALWAYS an opportunity for new beginnings! With it being a Scorpio new moon there’s an added bolt of energy towards either consciously creating change and transformation in your world, or letting the universe kick you in the butt and do it for you. So, why not avoid the drama of unexpected change and admit it….”I’m stuck and I’m over it!”We are all stuck in at least one area of our life! And, take the helm of your destiny to make some changes for the better! We always get many many signs about what changes/new directions to take yet we can so easily ignore them. Yep, it’s that pesky unknown that holds us back.
Yet, there is so much MOJO in the unknown as it is where infinite possibilities exist and all of creation arises from. I’ve learned over the years that if I want to create something new in my world, I must be wiling to surrender to the unknown. It’s so important to have practices to help us when we are leaving our comfort/uncomfortable zone and jumping into the unknown! My morning ritual of meditating (lately I’ve been doing Dr Joe Dispenza’s Morning Meditation) and my all day long practice of Ho’oponopono truly grounds those moments when I feel COMPLETELY un-grounded.
I challenge you to create something new in your life at this new moon! And, if you need any support along the way just go outside and check out the night sky! You will see more stars then usual at the time of the new moon as this is a dark moon. It’s inspiring to look up into the night sky at the Galaxy we are a part of and realize…. “Wow, I have so much potential….infinite in fact!”
Please also feel free to DM me at my Instagram account @donamorganmojo or here! I’d be happy to write back and forth and give you lots of my Mojo and support.
*I’m not an Astrologer but I love to work with the energy of the New and Full Moons and share it’s magic with you!