New Moon in Pisces Horoscopes
Expect to hear the voice of the Divine, Aries, and to receive answers to an important question, or even your life purpose. The New Moon in Pisces lands in your 12th house of spirituality, creativity and your imagination. This means your intuition is going to be very busy sending you downloads both in your dreams and while wide awake. Spend time in meditation, prayer, and nature and expect to receive signs, synchronicities and serendipity.
Practice: Spend some doing spiritual practices, and be sure to write down the mojo you receive in your new moon journal.
Focus on your biggest dreams and go for them! Don’t back down even if it might feel a little scary, because this new moon lights up your 11th house of hopes, dreams, friendship, and community. A new friend could also show up in your life out of the blue, and it may be someone who in some way is going to help you to reflect and execute your vision.
Practice: Do a New Moon Ritual in community with one or more friends.
Stay tuned in to your dreams and intuition, Gemini, because this moon in Pisces moves through your 10th House of career and accomplishments. Your inner voice will be speaking to you about your ideal work, and it may be such a strong message that you make a radical shift in this part of your life. You may even decide to go back to school or embark on some kind of deep learning. You are ready to show up in a new way and it’s time to be celebrated for your accomplishments.
Practice: Create a vision board.
What direction do you want to take in your life, Cancer? This Pisces New Moon activates your 9th House of the Mystic, long distance travel, learning and publishing. This is a fertile time to dream up a new idea and go for it! You may even be ready to write that book or publish a mini course. Meditate for the answers you seek, and let yourself bathe in creativity, expansion and optimism.
Practice: Seek guidance from a Mystic Mentor and maybe do a Tarot Reading.
Remember Leo, all of the answers you seek are within. The New Moon in Pisces encourages you to be the Mystic you are as it travels through your 8th House of transformation, intimacy and shared resources. Your closest relationships have the spotlight and will deepen at this moon as you get more in touch with yourself and what nourishes your soul. This could also be a financial turning point for you! Or, you receive a breakthrough regarding a project you’ve been working on.
Practice: Reflect on which relationships truly nourish your soul and spend time with those people.
You may start or re-boot a relationship during this New Moon in Pisces, Virgo. There also could be a chance encounter that turns into a friendship or maybe even something more serious. This new moon flows through your 7th House of one-on-one relationships, and so you might be focussing on romance or new opportunities for collaborative projects. You could also receive downloads about your vision of the future which leads to shifting your path.
Practice: Spend time with your “People.”
The routines in your life are up for review, Libra, as the Pisces New Moon activates your 6th House of health, daily rituals, and how you serve others. You are ready to make changes, mind, body, and spirit, that align with who you are becoming. And leave those old patterns in the rear view mirror. You might also take on a new project, or learn something entirely new that lights you up!
Practice: Let go of any routines that aren’t working and create a few new ones!
You may fall in love at this New Moon in Pisces, Scorpio as it lands in your 5th House of romance, creativity, and joy. Whether it’s a new passion, new work, or a new person, your heart is expanding and it feels so juicy because a wonderful Divine connection is entering your life. You’re ready to spend more of your time focussed on doing what brings you joy and pleasure.
Practice: Reflect upon what you loved to do as a child, and incorporate it into your life now.
The Pisces New Moon moves through your 4th House of home and family, and so it’s an ideal moment to spend time with your family/soul family or at home. Soak in this time so that you are able to discover any patterns in your life that sabotage you and you are ready to break free from, and which ones support you. This new moon might also mark the beginning of deciding to move somewhere new!
Practice: Feng Shui your home!
The Muses are speaking to you at this New Moon in Pisces, Capricorn and you will find a new creative venture, a fresh idea or a solution to a problem that’s been lurking. This moon activates your 3rd House of communication, learning, and new prospects. Focus on your creativity because your mind will be very active with new ideas. It’s also an opportunity to do some mindset mojo because you can make positive changes in this area of your life now.
Practice: Do a New Moon Ritual where you write down your limiting beliefs and then burn them. And, work with saying positive affirmations to yourself daily.
You will find a solution to a financial obstacle and bring more abundance into your life at this New Moon in Pisces, Aquarius. That’s because this moon shows up in your 2nd House prosperity, and you are about to enter a Timeline where you have the opportunity to become way better off financially. You might even come up with an entirely new way of creating money either as a side hustle or primary focus.
Practice: Commit to a daily gratitude practice and expect miracles!
This is your moon, Pisces, and it’s moving through your 1st House of new beginnings, goals, and I AM. It’s in the stars to choose and upgrade yourself. You can use this vortex of energy to begin anything new as long as it’s very personal to who you, and aligns with your life purpose.
Practice: Book an Astrology Reading focussed on your North and South Nodes. It’s time to DO YOU!