The Scorpio Full Moon is all about Synchronicity!

The Full Moon in Scorpio is on Sunday, April 29, 2018 at 5:58 pm MST. I read on an Instagram post this morning (@joyandlife11) that this moon is considered “The Pink Moon.” I never knew that! According to this post, “The name derives from the first pink flowers blooming in Spring, wild ground Phlox. They are native to North America. Since time immemorial, we know the cycles of the moon and Earth’s ecosystem life are connected. Many tribes kept track of time by observing the seasons and lunar months. The Moon is surrounded by legends and has long had an aura of mystery. The scientists can’t explain the migration of some birds during the full moon by example. A mysterious phenomenon. lIfe is magic!”

Along with the mojo of this moon being called a “pink moon,” this is a very psychic moon, so do pay attention to the signs and synchronicites that show up, along with your own natural intuition and instincts. This is not a time to ignore those signals! Pay attention!

When you dream at night, you step through a doorway and wake up in a deeper world. Sometimes you remember your dreams and sometimes you don’t. When you do, there are many signs and symbols that show up giving important answers to your most pressing questions. This moon is going to be all about that! So, maybe you will remember your dreams more over the next 2 weeks! Could be perfect timing to start a dream journal and be very intentional with it!

In your waking life, it’s synchronicity which will show you the way.

Synchronicity is the universe’s way of saying “YES, you’re on the right path.” Two nights ago I was driving to a graduation celebration thinking about some chapters to add for my new book about “Mojo,” and you wouldn’t believe what showed up right in front of me? A car with the vanity license plate, “MOJOCAT.” Is that crazy, or what? Guess I need to add those chapters! 🙂

All I can tell you is that there are constant messages — in the form of signs and symbols — the universe provides daily. And, they will be amplified for you to play with during this full moon cycle.

When you know how to explore a synchronistic moment, such as the one I just described, it’s MOJO! It’s all about tuning into its symbolic meaning and asking yourself the right questions. Oracles come in many forms!

The messages addressing your current challenges AND intentions can be found on the vanity plate on that car in front of you, like it did for me. Or, it could be that overheard conversation at Starbucks, the coyote that crosses your path, and more. You don’t need tarot cards to get dealt the answer to your most pressing questions! (although I do love tarot!)

When synchronicity strikes, you’ll know. Typically shivers will be going up and down your spine, and you’ll KNOW that the universe just sent you a message. And this scorpio full moon is going to be sending you messages! So that you can transform and get un-stuck!

I realize that the energy of the Scorpio Full Moon IS KNOWN to have the bad wrap as a time when secrets come to the surface, intense emotions are felt, and potentially your world falling a part…..Realize, I was born on a Scorpio Full Moon, so know it well! The flip side is that you are receiving and reading the signs, and everything is coming together! Rebirth! I mean, how could a pink moon be something awful? Sounds pretty awesome to me! I think I’ll buy myself some pink roses today and do a little ceremony out by my medicine wheel!

So…..what do you need to release so that the goals and dreams you came up with at the New Moon can create? Is it a toxic person who is just always so critical, negative or jealous? Have you been receiving signs that it’s time to move your home or your work or school, but it’s just WAY easier staying in the status quo? (that’s when surprises hit out of the blue, by the way….so important to pay attention to those signs!) Is it a habit, belief, addiction or negative emotion that is getting in the way of your Mojo? The sun is in Taurus right now, and it’s all about abundance and fertility, while the Scorpio energy is all about cleaning house! So…..where in your life do you need to clean house so that you can create abundance? Don’t fear the changes that need to take place! Embrace them! It’s so just part of life that we need to clear the old to make way for the new. What is no longer serving you? What in your life is blocking you from manifesting all that you desire?

Scorpio rules the subconscious mind, and so this full moon is a golden opportunity to clear and clean negative beliefs, blocks, fears and emotions that are not HELPING you to achieve your dreams. In fact, they are sabotaging you and keeping you stuck in the muck. This moon is an excellent time to utilize tools like Ho’oponopono, EFT, or any other releasing technique you prefer, to clear away all that is sabotaging you! As you may know, I wrote a short lil and easy to read book about how to utilize Ho’oponopono in your life. If you are inspired to learn more follow the link at: The dealio is this… All of these blocks are keeping you stuck in survival mode vs the mojo of your zone! And, I want to be in my Zone, how about you?

Aloha Nui Loa


My Mom’s Ho’oponopono Death


The Mojo of Contentment