I love the Magic Mantra!

What I love about the Ho’oponopono Magic Mantra (“I love you, I ‘m sorry, please forgive me, thank you,”) is that it’s an easy technique you can use every single day. In fact, in any given moment of every day! Even when I don’t have something specific going on in my life “to clean on,” I often have it running in the background of my mind, like right now! And at times, even when I sleep! I’ve been practicing what I describe as “The Magic Mantra,” for over 16 years now, and writing and teaching about it for 3. I’m always learning and growing more and more through my experience with this EPIC Hawaiian Mindfulness Practice and healing technique.

So, what is it? Ultimately, Ho’oponopono is a clearing practice for creating, for attracting, for manifesting your MOJO…the kind of life you have been intending for if not longing and dreaming about. This will happen more easily when you start saying the Magic Mantra. It’s a powerful and life changing experience and you will never be the same again. In fact, it will transform you as you become aware of and clear, clean and erase the limiting beliefs, fears, and programs that have been mostly subconsciously keeping you stuck.

You become aware what these programs are by noticing your feelings, as they are your compass. As you notice feeling something is not “right,” (you may feel scared, annoyed, overwhelmed, angry, sad…..for example,) you start to say the Ho’oponopono magic mantra while holding these feelings in mind. The process is to say to yourself, “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, thank you, I love you,” over and over again until you feel at peace.

Practicing Ho’oponopono will awaken you to your Divinity, the incredible power inside of you and you will feel incredibly connected with the universe…infinity! You will understand at a very direct and personal level the unlimited possibility that we have available to us and live in… and feel Beyond Inspired.

Aloha Nui Loa,

*If you are interested in learning more about The Magic Mantra please download the first chapter of my book for free (link is on the homepage) or you can buy the entire read on Amazon! 🙂


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