The Mojo of Gratitude
People often ask me how much I say the “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you” mantra. My answer is that I intend to say it all day long. I do an abbreviated version which is, “I love you, thank you.” And its happening even while I’m sleeping. I know this because when I wake up at anytime during the night or in the morning that is the first thing I recognize as going on in my mind. By saying it all day long as the background mantra in my head, I’m taking responsibility for everything going on in my life, what Dr Hew Len describes as the shared “programs.” When I keep this mantra going in my mind, I find myself experiencing more peace in my life, and more inspirations show up (that means new information I’ve never thought of before) to take action on, and more unexpected opportunities too. The key is to trust the process. And, whatever you do, don’t get caught up in asking why it’s working, or how it’s working. Just be grateful it is and keep doing it!
I am beginning to realize that because I’m constantly “cleaning” I’m more often in a mental state of gratitude and trust. The secret to living a prosperous and abundant life, where you love your life, is to be in gratitude.
Being grateful means noticing the good in every moment. When in gratitude you don’t judge anything as good or bad because you realize you really don’t really know if what is happening is good or bad. So why go negative and immediately judge the situation as bad? What I do know is that every challenging moment or thought is an opportunity to clean, clean, clean. 🙂 Yes, I’m saying, be grateful it’s here, so that it can be “cleaned on,” released and transmuted.
There’s some serious mojo in being grateful for what you already have in your life. You can look around at any moment and find something to be grateful for, even something completely mundane and simple, which instantly puts you in a different mental state then you were before. When you are living in gratitude things change in your life for the better. It’s the single most powerful thing you can do to transform your life. When you are living in an active state of gratitude you are literally energetically LIT UP like a Christmas tree, and are a magnet for bringing more good things to you.
The Ho’oponopono mantra has the word “thank you” in it, and is a very effective way to clear any negativity or limiting beliefs that you know of or don’t know of inside of you. These little buggers are typically in our subconscious minds, yet attracting so much of what is going on in our lives. And so, by saying the phrase on a continual basis, as my background mantra, I’m “cleaning on” negativity, or old programs, that I don’t even know exist. I want to “clean on them” before they show up in my outside world and conscious mind.
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
thank you
I love you.
When you say these phrases over and over, as a mantra running in the background of any activity you may be doing, whether it’s getting your kids ready for school, having a phone conversation with someone, driving to work…you are continually releasing in order to allow the Divine to work through you…for the good of you and others too.
On the other hand, I say the mantra on thoughts running through my mind that I AM conscious of as well. Certainly our conscious minds are thinking all of the time creating many opportunities for “cleaning.” It’s my more extended version of this Hawaiian practice. For example, this morning Jay and I went out to breakfast and the service was absolutely terrible. I started complaining to Jay, I admit it. I went negative. Jay said to me, “well, you would tell me to clean, clean, clean.” Perfect advice. LOL. Well, the problem was right there, in my face, so I shut up and “cleaned on it.” By the way, this doesn’t mean we will go back to this restaurant. We won’t. But, I deleted a program, in that moment. And it doesn’t really matter what it is. I get it, you probably want to put your intellect around this and figure out what happened. Let that go. What I will tell you is that an unexpected opportunity showed up today out of the clear blue sky. Somehow, I think they are related.
So, here’s what I did in that moment. I said to myself, not outloud or people would think I was nuts… this.
“I’m sorry, for these feelings of judgement about the service in this restaurant. Please forgive me for co-creating this (here I am taking responsibility that it’s here in my life so I created it). Thank you for taking care of it, for erasing it. I love you.”
This cleansing “mantra” creates space in my own mind, much like meditation does. Within this space, however brief it may be, I experience relief, peace and find myself more relaxed. I CHOOSE to re-direct my energy away from the problem, or from blaming or judging anyone. Blaming and judging is a waste of time.
Every morning before I even get out of bed, I thank the divine for everything and anything going on in my life. Even the not so good stuff. Whatever I’m judging as “not so good” is coming to mind as an opportunity to “clean on it.” A lot of my worries are around my 7 kids. It’s a Momma thing. I can’t help it. And when those worries or issues pop up in my mind, in the midst of thinking about all I’m grateful for, I say the more extended version of the mantra. And let it go.
When I stay in the moment and keep cleaning, that’s when inspirations show up, and I ALWAYS say yes to them. Be grateful, clean, all the time. That’s the ticket. It’s way easier then sitting on a cushion meditating for hours and hours. And it’s oh so much better then living your life as a victim. That’s no fun.
I love you, thank you. Aloha, Mahalo.